5 Signs of a Raccoon in the House

Updated September 23, 2024

5 Signs of a Raccoon in the House

We certainly love our homes, don’t we? They’re beautiful, warm, and safe. The problem is, many wild animals would also love a bit of the safety and food source our homes provide. As such, it’s no wonder so many nuisance animals try to invade our homes.

One of the most common critter invaders is the intelligent and adept raccoon. These mid-sized mammals are not only great climbers, but they’re tenacious invaders. Once they set their sights on your house, it is often hard to keep them out.

Do you think you have a raccoon nesting in the house? Here are the five signs to look out for.

1. Scratches on Gutters or Siding

As we mentioned, adult raccoons are excellent climbers. This is thanks to their unique claws. Their long claws can dig into tree bark, fences, and, yes, even your house’s shingles with ease.

Often, raccoons will seek higher ground when predators or other enemies are afoot. If you think a raccoon has claimed your house as a safety spot for itself, do a quick inspection. Check your gutters, downspouts, or raised shingle siding for telltale marks and scratches.

2. Broken Roof, Fascia, or Crawlspace

Raccoons don’t want to simply get onto your roof. They want to get inside your house for safety and nesting. Their claws and nimble fingers allow them to break and penetrate all sorts of home materials. This includes shingles, wood, and even metal.

Inspect your home at all of its most vulnerable entry points. This includes rooflines and fascia as well as crawlspaces under your stairs or deck. If you see chipped, peeled, or broken materials, it’s likely a raccoon gained access.

3. Bumps in the Attic

Raccoons are smart, but they are not particularly agile. If a raccoon has made it into your attic, you and your entire family will likely know about it. Since raccoons are nocturnal, listen for their telltale bumps and stomps between dusk and dawn.

4. Urine Smells

A nesting raccoon is going to use your house for its every need. Unfortunately, that includes using it as a bathroom. If you suddenly smell sulfur in and around your attic, basement, or crawlspace, it’s possible you have a raccoon problem.

5. Nocturnal Chatter

As we mentioned, raccoons are nocturnal animals. This makes them easy to spot and hear when so many other creatures are typically asleep. Listen for a high-pitched chitter sound. This distinctive noise sounds like no other animal’s and is a great way to identify a raccoon infestation.

Trust the Professionals for Raccoon Removal

Between rabies and bites, getting rid of raccoons in and around the house can be dangerous business. If you think you have a raccoon problem, don’t try to handle it alone.
The best way to get rid of raccoons in the house is to call on wildlife removal service professionals. At Alpha Wildlife, we will remove raccoons and keep your family safe from what can sometimes be a dangerous animal. Learn more about our raccoon removal services today.


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