5 Warning Signs of a Rodent Infestation in Your Home

Updated August 1, 2024

Have a possible rodent infestation in your home?

It only takes one male and one female rodent to start an infestation in your home. Mice and rats can enter through cracks, holes, pipes, and drains. Once inside, they can spread diseases through their droppings and cause significant damage as they chew through walls, floors, and furniture. Knowing the warning signs of a rodent infestation can help you act quickly and call a wildlife removal service to address the problem. Here are the top five signs to watch for.

Rodent Infestation Warning Signs


One of the most obvious signs of a rodent infestation is finding droppings. Mice and rats leave droppings wherever they go, particularly in areas where they search for food. Common places to find droppings include:

  • Inside cabinets or drawers, especially near food
  • Under sinks
  • Behind appliances
  • Near pipes or hot water heaters in the basement
  • Dark closets
  • Around fireplaces

Mouse droppings look like small, dark grains of rice, while rat droppings are larger, about the size of a raisin. Droppings may also be more pointed at one end and sometimes contain hair.

Foul Odors

Rodent droppings and urine can create a strong, lingering odor. If you notice a persistent, unpleasant smell in certain areas of your home, it could indicate a rodent infestation. Additionally, the smell of a dead rodent can be overwhelming and linger for days or weeks as it decays.

Gnaw Marks and Holes

Rodents have strong teeth that they use to chew through various materials, including walls, floors, and furniture. You might notice gnaw marks and holes in these areas, often close to where you find droppings. Mice and rats chew to keep their teeth sharp and to create entry points to their nests or food sources. Holes in exterior walls can also indicate where rodents are entering your home.

Chewed Up or Shredded Nesting Material

Rodents often shred paper, fabric, and other soft materials to build their nests. If you find chewed-up food packaging or piles of shredded material near droppings, it’s a strong sign that rodents are nesting nearby. These nests are usually hidden in dark, secluded areas like inside walls, under floors, or in attics.

Scratching or Small Thuds

Rodents are typically more active at night, so you might hear them moving around when the house is quiet. Listen for scratching sounds inside walls or floors as rodents chew and claw through materials. You might also hear soft scampering or thuds as mice or rats move inside walls or under floorboards.

Rodent Infestation Health Risks and Removal Services

Rodents can pose serious health risks. Their feces and urine can contaminate surfaces and food, spreading diseases such as hantavirus, salmonella, and leptospirosis. A rodent bite or scratch can also cause illness.

If you suspect a rodent infestation, it’s crucial to contact a wildlife removal expert immediately. Alpha Wildlife offers professional rodent removal services to help protect your home and family. Our team uses humane methods to remove rodents and prevent future infestations.

Why Choose Alpha Wildlife for Rodent Removal

Alpha Wildlife is available 24/7 to respond to emergency rodent removal calls. For non-emergencies, we offer same-day and next-day service. Our experienced team provides comprehensive removal services, including:

  • Inspection: Identifying the extent of the infestation and potential entry points.
  • Exclusion: Sealing entry points to prevent further access.
  • Trapping and Removal: Using humane traps to capture and remove rodents.
  • Cleanup: Sanitizing areas contaminated by rodent droppings and urine.
  • Prevention: Offering advice and services to prevent future infestations.

Need help with a rodent infestation?

Recognizing the warning signs of a rodent infestation can help you act quickly and prevent serious damage and health risks. If you notice droppings, foul odors, gnaw marks, shredded materials, or hear scratching sounds, contact Alpha Wildlife for professional rodent removal services. Protect your home and family from the dangers of a rodent infestation with our expert help.

Rodent Infestation FAQs

What are the most common signs of a rodent infestation? Common signs include droppings, foul odors, gnaw marks, shredded nesting materials, and scratching or thudding sounds.

Why is it important to contact a professional for rodent removal? Professionals ensure safe and humane removal, prevent health risks associated with rodent infestations, and provide effective solutions to prevent future problems.

How can I prevent rodents from entering my home? Seal cracks and holes in your home’s exterior, keep food stored in airtight containers, and maintain a clean environment to reduce attractants.

What health risks do rodents pose? Rodents can spread diseases such as hantavirus, salmonella, and leptospirosis through their droppings, urine, and bites.

What should I do if I find a dead rodent in my home? Contact a professional wildlife removal service to safely remove the carcass and sanitize the area to prevent health risks.

How quickly can Alpha Wildlife respond to a rodent infestation? We offer 24/7 emergency services and typically provide same-day and next-day service for non-emergencies.


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