What are effective raccoon prevention methods?

To keep raccoons away from your property, try these effective prevention methods:

1. Secure Trash Cans: Raccoons love to dig through trash for food. Use sturdy, animal-proof trash cans with tight-fitting lids. Make sure to keep them closed and put them out only on the morning of pickup.

2. Remove Pet Food: Don’t leave pet food outside overnight. Raccoons will find it and come back regularly. Feed your pets inside and clean up any leftover food.

3. Close Off Entry Points: Check your home for gaps or holes, especially around the roof, attic, and foundation. Seal these openings with strong materials like metal or hardware cloth to keep raccoons out.

4. Secure Your Garden: If you have a garden, use fencing to protect it. Make sure the fence is buried a few inches underground to stop raccoons from digging underneath.

5. Eliminate Hiding Spots: Raccoons like to hide in piles of wood, debris, or overgrown vegetation. Keep your yard clean and trim back bushes and trees.

Contact us today for your raccoon prevention needs. You can also find us here.

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