How Does Humane Possum Removal Work?

Humane possum removal is about safely and kindly dealing with possums that come into your yard or home. Here’s how it works:

1. Inspection: First, you or a professional will inspect your property to find where the possums are living and how they are getting in. This might be under a deck, in the attic, or through small holes in the house.

2. Setting Traps: Next, humane live traps are set up in places where the possums are likely to be. These traps are designed to catch possums without hurting them. It’s important to check the traps often so the possums don’t stay trapped for too long.

3. Safe Relocation: Once a possum is caught, it is safely moved to a new location. The new spot should be far from homes and have food, water, and shelter. This helps ensure the possum can survive and thrive in its new environment.

4. Sealing Entry Points: After the possum is removed, it’s important to seal up any entry points to prevent other possums from coming in. This might involve fixing holes, securing vents, and making sure trash is kept in sealed bins.

5. Preventive Measures: Finally, take steps to make your property less attractive to possums. Remove food sources, secure garbage cans, and keep your yard tidy.

By following these steps, you can remove possums from your property in a way that is safe and kind to the animals.

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