Know Your Rights: How to Talk to Local Animal Control Authorities
Outdoor cat caregivers are usually approached by some local authority at some point or the other. For example, you may one day have full-time animal control officers, police officers, or code-enforcement officers knocking at your door. – So, it’s important that you learn How to Talk to Local Animal Control.
While some of them are strong supporters of Trap-Neuter-Return and Shelter-Neuter-Return concepts, some aren’t supportive. They generally have an outdated mindset only to create barriers to community cat caretakers like you.
That’s why you need to understand your rights under the law, and that not all officers can violate these rights without a reason. Here is some information that isn’t specifically legal advice, but will help you realize your rights.
What is animal control?
Animal control agencies are local authorities who enforce laws related to controlling, impounding, feeding, spaying, neutering, and taking care of animals.
Animal control:
- Duties vary between communities
- Can be employed by the city or contractors
- Might or Might not have the power to arrest or issue citations
- May or may not have a license to carry firearms
- May be the responsibility of the police department or code enforcement or may be contracted by private businesses
As animal control laws differ by city and state, knowing your local laws is the best protection for you and your cats.
What to do if animal control is at your door: How to talk to them
The most important thing to do is not panic, and don’t talk rough. You need to speak politely with the animal control representative. And remember, it helps if you speak less.
Sometimes you may inadvertently reveal things that won’t help in your case. Or even give them reasons to conduct a more extensive search.
Here are some of the questions animal controls commonly asks:
- Asking about your colony
Animal control may want to know more about your cats, to find out if you are violating laws. Remember that anything you say can be used in court.
So if you aren’t comfortable answering the question, then you may exercise your constitutional rights by telling the officer you prefer remaining silent.
Or that you want to speak to your attorney first, and thus ask them to return at a future date.
- Asking permission to search your property
Sometimes animal control will want to search your property based on complaints of cats in the neighborhood. You don’t have to give your consent to search, and you have to ask the officer for a search warrant.
You don’t have to leave them inside your house or let them search your property if they don’t have one. And if you step out of the house, ensure you shut the door because anything animal control sees works to get a warrant.
- Asks permission to watch your colony care
You don’t have to reveal where and when you feed cats to the animal control officer, without a search warrant, especially if you do it on private property.
However, there are strict laws about activities on public property. So, make sure you learn more about the local ordinances, adopt good colony care practices, and keep the area clean.
- Asks you to sign something other than a court summons
Do not sign anything without your attorney’s permission. They generally need your signature for permission to do something they cannot do. There are three reasons for animal control seeking your signature:
- Permission to take action
- Admission or denial of responsibility for the cats
- As relinquishment rights for any animals on your property
What to do if the officer has a search warrant
In this case, open the door only if they had previously knocked, and announced their presence. It’s only in emergency situations that they can enter unannounced.
Step outside, and after closing the door, ask the officer if you can read the search warrant. Take note of whatever is in it, and what it permits the officer to do.
Valid warrants have your address, date, and a judge’s signature. Do not let the officer enter your property is there are any mistakes. And ensure you note what the officer says and does during the search to provide to your attorney later on.
However, consult your attorney immediately if you are charged with some crime.
How to talk to local animal control – Proactive tips worth adopting
Here are some proactive tips worth adopting to prevent animal control officers from trespassing into your property:
- Post ‘No Trespassing’ signs in private areas
- Keep your attorney’s phone number and name and veterinary medical files easily accessible
- Choose discreet spots for shelters to minimize the chances of someone calling animal control in the first place
- If possible, microchip community cats while performing TNR for proof that the cat belongs to you
After learning How to Talk to Local Animal Control, and you still feel your rights are violated, remain silent. Immediately consult an attorney to determine if the animal control officer is violating your rights.
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