Common Wildlife That Like to Get In Your Attic

Updated April 17, 2024

Identifying Common Wildlife That Like to Get In Your Attic

At Alpha Wildlife, we understand the challenges homeowners face when dealing with nuisance wildlife in their attic. It’s not just about the noise and mess; these animals can cause serious damage to your home and may even pose health risks. Our goal is to educate you on the types of wildlife that commonly find their way into attics and offer professional solutions to keep your home safe and secure.

Why Wildlife Choose Attics

Your attic provides the perfect refuge for wildlife looking for a warm, protected place to shelter or raise their young. These animals typically sneak in through small openings or damaged areas in the roof, vents, or eaves. Once inside, they can be difficult to remove and may cause significant damage.

Types of Wildlife Commonly Found in Attics

1. Squirrels

Squirrels are one of the most common attic invaders. These nimble creatures can enter through small gaps in your exterior and are known for their destructive habits, such as chewing on electrical wires and wooden supports. Squirrels are most active in the morning and evening, so you might hear their movements during these times.

2. Raccoons

Another frequent uninvited guest is the raccoon. These large animals can cause extensive damage due to their size and strength. They are nocturnal, so you’ll likely hear them at night. Raccoons are particularly concerning because they can carry diseases like rabies.

3. Bats

Bats can squeeze through tiny cracks and prefer the dark, quiet recesses of your attic to roost. While bats help control insect populations, their droppings (guano) can be hazardous to your health, potentially causing respiratory issues like histoplasmosis.

4. Birds

Birds often enter attics to nest. The chirping and fluttering are clear signs of their presence. Birds not only bring in parasites like mites but their droppings can also be a health hazard and cause damage to attic materials.

5. Mice and Rats

Rodents are adept at finding entry points into attics and can multiply rapidly once inside. They pose risks by chewing through important home infrastructure, including electrical wiring, and their droppings and urine contribute to unhealthy conditions.

Preventive Measures to Stop Common Wildlife That Like to Get In Your Attic

Prevention is key to keeping these animals out of your attic. Alpha Wildlife recommends the following strategies:

  • Regular Inspections: Regularly inspect your attic, roof, and external walls for signs of damage or potential entry points. Look for loose shingles, gaps in eaves, and unprotected vents.
  • Seal Entry Points: Seal any identified gaps or holes with durable materials such as metal flashing, steel mesh, or robust vent covers. This is crucial to prevent wildlife from gaining access.
  • Trim Trees: Keep tree limbs trimmed away from your house to reduce access points for animals that climb.
  • Secure Garbage and Food Sources: Ensure garbage is secured in tightly sealed bins, and do not leave pet food outside, as these can attract wildlife.

What to Do If You Discover Wildlife in Your Attic

If you find or suspect wildlife in your attic, it’s best to handle the situation with care. Avoid attempting to remove the animals yourself, as this can be dangerous and is often ineffective. Instead, call the professionals at Alpha Wildlife. We offer safe, humane removal services and can help secure your home against future invasions.

Need Help Getting Rid Of Wildlife In Your Attic?

Understanding the types of wildlife that may enter your attic and implementing preventive measures are critical steps in protecting your home. Regular maintenance and swift action at the first sign of wildlife presence can prevent costly damage and health hazards. Should you encounter an issue, remember that Alpha Wildlife is here to help with expert wildlife removal services designed to keep your home safe and wildlife-free.


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