How does Alpha Wildlife remove raccoons?

Alpha Wildlife removes raccoons in a careful and effective way to ensure both the animals’ safety and your peace of mind. Here’s a look at our process:

1. Inspection: First, Alpha Wildlife will inspect your property to find out where the raccoons are getting in. We will check places like your attic, basement, and any gaps around the house.

2. Set Up Traps: Once they know where the raccoons are, we will set up live traps in those areas. These traps are designed to catch the raccoons without hurting them. We place the traps in safe spots to make sure they’re effective.

3. Monitor and Remove: Alpha Wildlife will regularly check the traps to see if any raccoons have been caught. When a raccoon is trapped, we carefully remove it and take it to a safe place away from your home.

4. Seal Entry Points: After removing the raccoons, we will seal up any holes or gaps they found during the inspection. This prevents other raccoons or wildlife from getting inside.

5. Clean Up: We might also help clean up any mess the raccoons left behind, such as droppings or damage.

This process helps get rid of the raccoons while making sure they’re treated humanely and your home stays safe. We are Certified and Insured to remove raccoons from your residence or commercial site.

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