What should I do if I see a raccoon in my house or on my property?

If you spot a raccoon in your house or on your property, here’s what you should do:

1. Stay Calm and Keep Your Distance: Raccoons can be unpredictable, especially if they feel threatened. Keep a safe distance and don’t try to approach or touch the raccoon.

2. Secure Your Trash and Food: Raccoons are often attracted to food. Make sure your trash cans have tight-fitting lids and don’t leave pet food or birdseed outside overnight.

3. Block Entry Points: Check your home for any openings where a raccoon could get in, like gaps in the roof, vents, or under decks. Seal these gaps with materials like metal mesh to prevent future entries.

4. Use Deterrents: You can use motion-activated lights or sprinklers to scare raccoons away. They dislike bright lights and sudden movements.

5. Contact a Professional: If the raccoon is inside your house or won’t leave, call a wildlife removal expert. They have the tools and experience to safely and humanely handle the situation.

6. Clean Up: After the raccoon leaves, clean up any mess it might have made. This includes removing droppings and disinfecting areas where the raccoon was.

Taking these steps can help you deal with a raccoon safely and prevent future problems.

Avoid approaching or trying to capture the raccoon. Keep pets and children away from it. Secure your garbage cans and remove sources of food that might attract raccoons. Contact Alpha Wildlife who are equipped to safely and humanely remove raccoons.

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