How Does Opossum Prevention Work?

Preventing opossums from coming into your yard or house involves making your property less attractive to them. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Secure Food Sources: Opossums are always looking for easy food. Make sure your trash cans have tight-fitting lids. Don’t leave pet food outside overnight, and pick up any fallen fruits or vegetables from your garden.

2. Block Entry Points: Check your home for any gaps or holes where opossums could enter. Look around the foundation, under decks, and in the attic. Seal these openings with metal mesh or other strong materials. Regularly inspect and fix any new holes.

3. Remove Hiding Spots: Opossums like to hide in quiet, sheltered places. Clear away piles of wood, brush, or debris. Trim back bushes and trees that are close to your house so they can’t use them to climb onto your roof.

4. Use Deterrents: You can buy natural repellents that make your yard less appealing to opossums. These repellents can be sprayed around the edges of your yard and near entry points.

5. Install Fencing: A fence can help keep opossums out. Make sure it’s at least 4 feet tall and buried a few inches underground to prevent digging. Adding an outward-facing wire at the top can stop them from climbing over.

By taking these steps, you can prevent opossums from becoming a problem and keep them out of your property.

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